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Old 05-12-2010, 08:07 AM
POLKA POLKA is offline
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Default intergeneric things -- Reblooming PRoblem -- My List -- Looking for -- Breeding

Good Morning All

Here is a list of what I am currently trying to grow among the Oncidium Intergenerics. Most all have rebloomed for me.

My List:

Bakerara Truth ‘Silver Chalice’

Brassia Rex ‘Sakata’

Beallara Capitola Sunrise (no varietal name on tag)
Beallara Capitola Sunrise ‘Pacific Starlight’
Beallara Hawaiian Glacier ‘Queen Ann’
Beallara Lunatic Fringe ‘Purple People Eater’
Beallara Marfitch ‘Howard’s Dream’
Beallara Maui Glow (Bllra. Tahoma Glacier x Milt. William Kirch)
Beallara Pacific Bright Star
Beallara Pacific Snow ‘Cloud Cover’
Beallara Pacific Treasures ‘Everything Nice’
Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter ‘JEM’
Beallara Peggy Ruth Carpenter ‘Morning Joy’
Beallara Tahoma Glacier ‘Green’
Beallara Tahoma Glacier ‘Sugar Sweet’
Beallara Tropic Lily (MKO--uncloned sibling from pod)
Beallara Tropic Splendor ‘Golden Gate’
Beallara Tropic Tom ‘Jimmy’
Beallara Tropic Tom ‘Pale Face’

Carpenterara Sidney Smith ‘Green Monkey’

Colmanara (Odontocidium) Wildcat ‘Carmela’

Degarmoara Winter Wonderland ‘White Fairy’

Goodaleara Pacific Trouffle ‘Surrogate Star’

Miltassia Charles Marden Fitch ‘Izumi’
Miltassia Royal Robe ‘Jerry’s Pick’

Miltonia William Kirch

Miltonidium Bartley Schwartz ‘Highland’
Miltonidium (Oncidium Space Race x Miltoniopsis santanaei)
Miltonidium Pupukea Sunset ‘H & R’

Miltoniopsis Andrea West ‘Wild Wild West’
Miltoniopsis (Eileen Ono x Hajime Ono ‘Maui Ecstasy’)
Miltoniopsis Pink Momma ‘Yosemite Sam’
Miltoniopsis (Rose Quartz ‘Mars’ x Lorene ‘Black Rain’)
Miltoniopsis Rene Komoda ‘Pacific Clouds’

Oncidium fuscatum alba ‘Bigun’ x Oncidium hastilabium ‘Steve’
Oncidium Gower Ramsey
Oncidium Sharry Baby ‘Sweet Fragrance’ AM
Oncidium sphacelatum
Oncidium Sweet Sugar
Oncidium Twinkle (a dark lavender sort)

Odontocidium Harry Sutton x Odontoglossum Ardentissimum ‘Sublime’

Odontonia Bragelone ‘Plush’ x Miltoniopsis (Safron Glow x Lorene) ‘Taxi’
Odontonia Susan Bogdanow ‘Alsmeer’ HCC/AOS
Odontonia Tropical Heatwave ‘Everglades’ HCC

Rodricidium Anbel Heart x Spunky
Rodricidium (Tolumnia [Oncidium] x Rodriguezia) noid pink,red,white

Vuylstekeara Aloha Passion ‘MKO’
Vuylstekeara Chuck Perry ‘Pacific Twilight’
Vuylstekeara Patico ‘Pacific Knights’

Wilsonara Kendrick Williams ‘The Weed’
Wilsonara Lisa Devos ‘HOF #10’
Wilsonara Pacific Package ‘Peach Cobbler’
Wilsonara Pacific Passage
Wilsonara Pacific Perspective ‘Pacific Heat’
Wilsonara Tigersette ‘Wild Court’ AM

At this point, I will add enthusiastically, I really like Beallaras and Wilsonaras that have the larger, fuller blossoms, which are often, but not always, paler in color--not a problem with me.

As I get them organized and inventoried, I'll be able to post some pictures and my list of what I have been growing recently.

I can tell you now that Beallara Tropic Lily, Tahoma Glacier Sweet Sugar, and Miltoniopsis Rene Komoda are spiked and making good progress. Sharry Baby is finishing up, and others are staring at me--

Speaking of staring at me, and daring me to do something-----does anyone have a trick for getting their Brassia Rex Sakata, and Degarmoara Winter Wonderland White Fairy to bloom regularly???? I've recently tried reducing their N to 120ppm since January. They are big but no spikes--keep making new growths without blooms--Yes I have already been thru the moving to higher light, etc. So I'm now weaning them off the 200ppm N I had been giving them. Any suggestions??

Looking to try the "Trembling Toothpick" this spring, and see if I can get a pod to form and grow out. Eventually would need to find a good lab with recommendations.

Any hybridizers on this forum? or on the Orchid Board who also dabble with the Oncids??

Another thing

Anyone have blooming size, or near blooming size of Wilsonara Opalescent (four or five different mericlones floating around right now)?? Or, Wilsonara Vernal Aura, especially 4711?? Or, Beallara Pacific Pastel Mauna Loa?? Or, Odontocidium Floral Factor either of two mericlones 'Rayna', and /or 'Early Bird'?? Or, Colmanara Maui Howie 'Lavender Lace' and / or 'Sunday Best' ?? Or, Miltonidium Pacific Paragon 'White Lightning'?? Or, Beallara Pasha?? Or, Beallara Glacial Trill??


thanks for looking
Hope you might have an answer for me of who, or where to look.
Thanks for the opportunity to be here.

Take care
May all your orchids bloom like crazy!!

AKA Polka
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Old 06-18-2010, 11:32 AM
grasshopper grasshopper is offline
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Wow...that's a nice list of orchids! I can't help you with your questions, but I am hoping you can help me with one of mine. I noticed that you have a Wilsonara Tigersette ‘Wild Court’ AM. I just purchased one and know very little about how to grow it. I have read that it tends to prefer the cooler side of this true? What is the max temperature it will tolerate? I am also in Texas (Dallas) and was wondering what conditions you grow yours in.

Any advice you could give would be most appreciated!
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Old 06-19-2010, 08:11 AM
POLKA POLKA is offline
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hey grasshopper
Thanks for the reply
was beginning to wonder if anyone comes over to this side of the board.

as to your question, I have aabout lost mine to the heat--last year. had it hanging, and didn't notice early enough. it is in recovery near the "wet wall".

I over see a private orchid collection--part of my job. The house is 90x30 <grin> The entire west wall of the house is shaded by trees, and the west wall is constructed as a wet-wall, which is the porous material like aspen wood curliques in nylon mesh layered in 6 foot panels with pvc pipe over the top dripping water constantly thru it with rain gutter below it, and running back to a washtub and toilet float valve, and submersible pump. The exhaust fans at the east end of the house, and they draw air thru the whole house, which first comes thru the wet all. even tho we have such high humidity, it helps keep the temps down, certainly closer to the wet wall, the cooler it is. I've got miltonipsis spiking now, so I think it is working. This is my second year for the move of all my intergenerics down to the west end of the house.

So short answer is, yes, cooler with much air movement, and moist.

Cutting my N back, [peters 20-20-20 now only 1/2 tsp per gallon water for everything] and I have two of my Brassia Rex's spiked. They never have spiked for me since purchaseing them bloom back in 2001 <oh dear> So now, see if I can duplicate that one too!

Anyways, hope that I have helped.
Take care
May all your orchids bloom like crazy.

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Old 06-19-2010, 03:03 PM
grasshopper grasshopper is offline
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Wow! That set up sounds great. I'm operating on a much smaller guest bedroom. I've got east sun and it gets up to about 82 F in there during the day with about 62% humidity. I have a ceiling fan on low and a 6" clip fan near the plants to help disperse the heat. This is my first year growing orchids so I am in the trial and error phase, learning what I can and cannot grow in my conditions. Thanks for the help!!
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Old 06-20-2010, 01:06 PM
POLKA POLKA is offline
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Light, temps, air movement, humidity sounds great. Make sure they are indeed getting their gentle breeze. If their leaves aren't moving a little bit, up the speed. We're near the end of their first spate of spikes -- there is a season of secondary spikes, sometimes, in the early mid summer range. new growths should commence after their spikes are finished, and then they root at mid-growth (read fall to early winter) -- this is when you can repot, or bump up should you feel the need to do so. Keep above 50 in winter and you will do fine. They like below 85 in summer --at or below 80 is even better.

Take care
thanks for the correspondence

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Old 06-21-2010, 09:58 AM
grasshopper grasshopper is offline
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Thanks so much for your help! I'm glad to know that my growing conditions aren't too bad for them. Thanks for the tip on repotting, too! I hadn't thought that far ahead yet!
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Old 06-21-2010, 12:13 PM
Royal Royal is offline
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Hey Rex,

I don't grow much in the way of Oncidums, but I LOVE the idea of having another hybridizer nearby. GO FOR IT! We're not getting any younger.

When the time comes, I could probably sow some seed for you. If you'd rather send out to a "real" lab, I can give you a couple of names. Best of luck...
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Old 06-21-2010, 03:44 PM
Tropicgirl Tropicgirl is offline
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Hi Rex! Wow, what a collection you have! Can't wait to see some pictures of the blooms!
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Old 07-27-2010, 06:37 AM
POLKA POLKA is offline
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Yeah -- I need to post some pictures -- need to take some pictures -- You have any time to add to my day so I can make that happen?? <silly grin>

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Old 07-27-2010, 07:19 PM
Miki Miki is offline
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Try contacting Rayna at The Orchid Works, or Glen at Okika, for plants. Glen also does a lot of Oncidinae breeding.
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