This is a plant I picked up 3 years ago at a "big box" store and it had 2 spikes with blossoms and spikes were about 12" long (or should I say short?) The blossoms were small and the label said I should throw plant away when done blooming because they would grow more for me to purchase (ie. they were saying it was a cut flower arrangement). Needless to say, I took the pot apart, discovered that one of the pseudobulbs had NO roots, and other was weakly rooted and whole mess was jammed in a glazed pot with sphagnum. I repotted the two plants (OK one plant and one back bulb) and waited. Last year the larger plant bloomed on a new growth while the backbulb made a new growth and new roots. This year the larger plant looks like this:

The milk jug is there for scale.
This image shows my upstairs grow area (box bay window) with all the blooming plants. If you look to the left of the image you'll see the junior plant that bloomed for first time - the one they said to throw away because they would grow more new ones for me to buy.)
Now I wish I had the ID for this plant!