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Old 04-04-2006, 01:43 PM
Phantasm Phantasm is offline
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Default miltoniopsis crosses

Are there any Miltoniopsis growers out there?
It seems to be a small group that grows these beautiful plants. In my conditions, they are pretty easy to grow and bloom as long as I keep up with annual repotting.
Unfortunately there are not a lot of sources making new crosses outside of Ivan Komoda and Theresa Hill.
There are still a lot of avenues for future crosses that have only been scratched. Mini miltoniopsis such as those made by Marie Riopelle are very lovely and based on M.phalaenopsis.

If you have never bloomed a compot of these seedlings, it's amazing to see the diversity in each cross!
Does anyone have any suggestions for new crosses they have seen?
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Old 05-27-2006, 04:34 PM
Piper Piper is offline

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Hi Phantasm,

I love Miltonias! And their scent is one of my favorites - rose is, I believe, how it's described. But a rose on hormones, because I can smell it a room away!

I have several Miltoniopsis hybrids. I have to be careful in the summer when I get busy, though. They don't like to dry out. I've croaked a few that way. But my growing conditions are probably quite similar to yours. I just need to stay up on my watering. They aren't forgiving.

I've noticed two types of flowers on Miltoniopsis. One opens like most Onc-related flowers - sort of like spreading your fingers outward.

On the second type, the lip is rolled up like an ice cream cone and has to unroll to fully open. On these types, I've had some trouble where either all the flowers, or the later ones to open, don't fully unroll. It makes me crazy when it's a beautiful bloom.

At first I thought maybe the plant needed more water for the flower to fully open, but that didn't seem to help.

Any thoughts?

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Old 05-27-2006, 08:15 PM
Phantasm Phantasm is offline
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Hi Julie,

Most of my miltoniopsis have no problem opening up their blooms. However, sometimes they bloom just great and the next year rather mediocre. Most likely it's culture (fertilizer, mix, light) although some plants are genetically weaker. I think that the conditions of the plant while the spike and buds are developing are very important, and they bloom better under cooler conditions.

Some of the waterfall plants with very intense patterning have problems opening up well, and I know that some breeders will try to lighten up the intensity of the pattern in their hybrids.

My plants are blooming like crazy right now, and it's the most amazing display. Some of my favorites don't look as well and others are putting on a show. Why?

As far as watering, I keep them pretty wet and that takes care of any accordion-pleating in the leaves. As long as you repot annually it isn't a problem.Try to keep them evenly most but not soggy or you will have rot problems.
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Old 05-27-2006, 08:32 PM
Piper Piper is offline

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Thanks, Phantasm!

I can grow them and rebloom them if I'm attentive to the watering, so I'll assume the opening issue is plant specific.

In my rather limited Milt experience, it was the ice cream cone ones where I had the problem. I don't know what species influence that would be, but it would help on plant selection in the future.

Thanks for your thoughts!

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Old 06-14-2006, 04:53 PM
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Default A couple of my Miltoniopsis

The first photo is Milt. Lady Snow 'Paper Doll' AM/AOS
It is one of Ivan Komoda's that I have had for a couple of years. I always win a blue ribbon with it at the shows.

Second is one from Orchid Zone that I really love. (Milt. Rising Sun 'Summer Splash' x Milt. Yellow Haze 'Yellow Bay')

Just love them but I am having problems with humidity right now.
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miltoniopsis crosses-milt-lady-snow-paper-doll-am-aos-5-jpg   miltoniopsis crosses-milt-rising-sun-summer-splash-yellow-haze-yellow-bay-2-jpg  
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Old 06-14-2006, 05:33 PM
Phantasm Phantasm is offline
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The Lady Snow is probably the best bloomer of any Milt out there; It's not unusual to get several spikes from each growth and many flowers on each spike. It has a very unique shape and mask due to it's species parent.

I have some crosses made with this onto vexallaria and also some hybrids. They are quite floriferous, and the white color seems to be difficult to overcome. Some are rather mediocre, but a few are very lovely in a subtle way. I'll have to get some pictures!
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Old 06-14-2006, 05:52 PM
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Oh I agree, this is a shot of the whole plant.
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Old 06-14-2006, 05:57 PM
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Are these plants cool growing? That Milt. Lady Snow 'Paper Doll' AM/AOS is excellent - so pristine with a yellow butterfly landed in the middle.

I have a hard time with any of the soft leaved orchids. Too much accordion-ing of the leaves, I know it is a watering problem - can't seem to get it.
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Old 06-14-2006, 06:08 PM
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What I have found is they like cool, not over 75F in the day and mid 60F during night, lots of humidity (which I have a hard time with) and repot every year. I use small CHC, perlite, fine charcoal. Water allot depending on what size pot and how root bound they are. When they are root bound you can water just about every other day or more. Of course I live in Michigan and grow in my home under lights.

Last edited by Dee; 06-14-2006 at 06:12 PM..
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Old 06-19-2006, 08:16 AM
L I Jane L I Jane is offline
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miltoniopsis crosses

I posted a couple on the 'sister forum' so I think most have you had seen them.The one thing I've never bloomed are the yellow ones .I guess they needed something I didn't have .All the others perform well each year.Anybody have a theory as to why I can't bloom the yellow ones?They just go downhill & croak!
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crosses, lot, marie, miltoniopsis, riopelle

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