I think I might start a new thread to try and collect what people have found to be successful ways to grow and bloom Miltoniopsis. There is probably a lot of variety to learn from.
I think I might start a new thread to try and collect what people have found to be successful ways to grow and bloom Miltoniopsis. There is probably a lot of variety to learn from.
nice! I love this one - I have a small one - and it is indeed tagged as "Milt."
Eep, so it's Miltoniopsis that needs the cooler temperatures and Miltonia that likes it warmer? I've had this backwards then I guess!
I have a Miltoniopsis x something that's not a Miltoniopsis probably (Pbs are much much more ball-shaped than Miltoniopsis) that's growing well enough but is recovering from a harsh re-potting/division/scale treatment two years ago that's now doing much better. Wouldn't say I'm having huge success but it isn't dying either.