Originally Posted by nenella
Thanks for posting chipmuk1, I too struggle with this alliance. .. I have gottten mine to re flower once but then lost it's roots (overwatering) will keep on trying!
I haven't found these to be very difficult once I found some that had good enough root systems, strong plants, and knew what was going on.
Yes, people tend to over water these guys.
I recommend using medium grade wood chips. Make sure the pot drains well. It helps tremendously to have a clear plastic pot. Water when the medium gets dry.
They are for the most part intermediate growing.
Moderate indirect light.
Moderate humidity is fine.
I use RO/DI water, and the plants have no leaf tip die back.
I currently own a Miltoniopsis phalaenopsis. It is the least problematic Miltoniopsis I've ever grown.
Buds survived repotting upon purchase. Plant came in bud.
I suspect the species Miltoniopsis are easier to grow.