Camille, I have mine in S/H and they get a moderate amount of light, and a good amount of air movement. They seem to like S/H. When I get one I just plop it into the new pot with lecia, they just take off and grow lots of new roots. Maybe it is just dumb luck.
Camille, I have a funny little story about one little outspoken Great-Grandson. I have a birthday comming up next month. Last year on my birthday he asked me how old I was. When I told him his eyes got big and he said "WOW!! I didn't know people lived that long" I wonder what his comment will be this year.
Sun rm, I guess I was lucky with the clones I have. I also have a real beauty, Mendenhall "Hildos' FCC (it's orange)which I bought from Oak Hill at the GVOS show in Feb. It has large flowers and hasn't stopped blooming since I got it. Do you have a yellow?
Last edited by Grandma M; 05-22-2009 at 08:33 PM..