This is a pot which I bought as Toul.puchara. The first picture was taken a couple of weeks ago. The second is a picture I took today of the same plant. I think I may have 2 different plants in the same pot. Do you agree?
Might be two different plants or might not. I have an onc intergeneric (peggy ruth carpenter) that did something exactly like that. One spike had normal purple blooms with purple spots, the other spike had white blooms with purple spots. When I repotted I checked it out, both bulbs were attached to the same older bulb.
It was strange, I never figured out why it did that.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
I did a flask of Tolumnias and some of the smallest plants, almost protocorm size, were so entangled, I had to wait until they had grown to separate them.