Sharry Baby et. al. in crisis!
Hello all! This is my first post, and I hope that someone can help. I think I might be killing all my orchids!!! Sharry Baby and another onc. in particular. I'm completely mortified as I grew up around orchids - my father has been growing prize winners for 30+ years. I live in an apartment and have never grown that many, but the ones I've had have always done just fine. A whole host of symptoms and incidents have been occurring:
1. Repotted into "basket-weave" ceramic pots
2. Cats have nibbled on the ends of leaves/new growth
3. Pseudobulbs have dried/died
4. Leaves fall off
I water them in the shower once per week as I've always done, but lately something has gone way wrong. They live on stands in front of a west facing window that gets afternoon sun filtered through trees. I have a feeling that either I'm giving them too much or too little sun and/or water. Pictures of the problem plants are attached. I've also included a couple pics of my cattleya as it's not as perky as it used to be either.
I have checked for bugs, fungus, rot, etc. and haven't found anything.
Can anyone help? Many thanks ...