Hi everyone,
A few months ago I obtained a psycopsis (Onc. Mendenhall 'Papa's Dream' AM/AOS x Onc. Papilio 'Giant')it started out with two spikes, both in bloom. I lost the newest spike just after it bloomed (the bloom only lasted for 3 or 4 days) it turned brown so I cut it back. The oldest spike is still there, but there are no blooms (it looks to have bloomed several times) I also lost two growths on it; they turned brown and mushy. Right now it it root bound and has 5 mature growths plus one new growth just emerging, it appears to be doing ok for now...but my question is, when should this be repotted? I've heard they like to be coming out over the edge of the pot (all the growths are contained in the pot right now)
thanks in advance for any suggestions!