Repotting Psychopsis Mariposa 'Magestic' (Kalahi x papilio)
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Repotting Psychopsis Mariposa 'Magestic' (Kalahi x papilio)
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Old 02-20-2009, 10:58 AM
Donald Donald is offline
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Default Repotting Psychopsis Mariposa 'Magestic' (Kalahi x papilio)

Greetings everyone. I posted this also on the Advanced Forum. I have this Psychopsis that has been in constant bloom for the past two years that need to be repotted. It's in sphagnum in a clay pot and the moss has just about had it. Is there a good time to do this? In other words should I do it while in bloom or when the flowers drop off? Problem is it has four stems so at any given time there's a flower on the plant. Needless to say thank you all for any responses I receive to my inquiry.Thank you and have a great day
Donald in Worcester, MA
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Old 02-21-2009, 12:44 AM
Sun rm.N.E. Sun rm.N.E. is offline
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Since I grow in the house in the N.E. I have most success when I transplant most orchids when there is new growth, just around the time the roots are starting to emerge, and if I transplant mostly in the Spring and Summer when temperatures and humidity is optimal. The exception is plants that have been established in lecca in Semi-Hydro culture where there is so little root disturbance that I can transplant anytime.

I just posted about my surprising experience with my Psychopsis hybrid in the Orchids in Bloom section.

I too was hesitant to transplant a blooming orchid. I cut off the flower spike half way dow since this often forces new growth. I indeed got a new growth soon and I was able to transplant it just before the new roots were showing. The funny thing was that as the new growth was developing it also started putting out a new branch below the cut on the old flower spike. I cut this off as well and, to my surprise, it then proceeded to put out another flower spike which I allowed to develop since the new growth and roots were nearly mature. You see the link to the picture below. I will never know weather it would have done just as well if I were to leave the flower spikes alone. However, I believe the other variables I mentioned were important in getting a strong new growth. Here is the link to the bloom of this Psychopsis Mendenhall I transplanted into Semi-Hydro 9 months ago.

Last edited by Sun rm.N.E.; 02-21-2009 at 12:50 AM..
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Old 02-21-2009, 09:53 AM
Grandma M Grandma M is offline
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Repotting Psychopsis Mariposa 'Magestic' (Kalahi x papilio) Female


About 6 weeks ago, I had to repot a new, in bloom, Psychopsis plant. The media looked bad but when I unpotted it I found a lot of old, tightly packed, spag in the very center. It looked like it had been started in spag and then the whole thing repotted later, spag and all, into bark. I had to disturb the roots a lot because it was so difficult to remove all the half rotted spag. I potted it up into S/H, presoaked in KLN, twice a day, or more, I spray the bulbs. I put it into a clear pot so I can watch the roots closely. It's doing great, and the bulbs are nice and fat and the flower never even wilted.

I now have 5 Psychopsis planted in S/H and they all seem very happy in their new homes. I water the established plants, filling the pot to the top, about every 2 or 3 days, depending on the water level in the pot, and mist the bulbs, usually about twice a day.

I like growing them in S/H because I can watch the root conditions closely and water them when I see the water level in the pot needs water. It's a no brainer, and the plants love it. I grow all my plants inside my home under lights.

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bloom, day, drop, psychopsis, time, papilio, kalahi, magestic, mariposa, repotting

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