Hi, is there a care sheet available for the Psychopsis Mendenhall? The one that I have inherited is in bad need of some TLC but I am not sure of its requirements.
Oh jeez.. all I do is leave mine alone I handled my first psychopsis too much and it committed suicide (didn't like it when I moved house) My second one is continually blooming. It's growing in a snug little plastic pot inside of a clay pot, and I soak it in weak fertilizer water once a week. It sits in the kitchen with filtered light from a western facing window. Seems happy, since I always either have a flower or a bud. Hope this helps!
Thanks Niki, is your psychopsis with your Vandas? regarding your watering regiment - do you water just the once a week with the fertilizer? I have read on some other posts that Rain or Spring water should be used for watering this type of orchid is this true or is tap water fine?
Last edited by Dene; 01-03-2009 at 11:04 PM..
Reason: Clarifying my question
I use tap water. And yes, only once a week. These guys don't need to be too moist. I don't have it in the same place as my vandas, as I hang most of those above the kitchen sink. The Phychopsis actually sits on a little table closer to the sliding door with a bunch of other orchids, so maybe it just likes company!
Maybe you could post a picture of yours? Are the roots in good shape? How old is it?