Originally Posted by greenbean
Honestly, this is really a matter of the individual and his or her growing conditions.
You are absolutely right Evan. Truth be known one of the reason that many of the long time growers plants grow so good (at least to newbys) is that we have managed to kill off everything that doesn't grow so well!
Originally Posted by Ranchnanny
Do Oncidiums like being crowded?
I certainly agree with Tommy. I personally use medium CHC/charcoal/perlite mix and most likely keep them too wet, but that seems to work for me. But, just because they prefer to be potbound doesn't mean you can't get them to a large size if you like. The picture posted is Onc. altissimum that was posted before on this forum. It is in a dishpan in this picture and has since been auctioned off at the local society (after I liberated a 3 bulb lead). Gee, Tommy, I would have sent you a Twinkle for that Phaius!!!
It is in a 3" pot so I'm sure it will be a far cry from yours.
Marilyn, these things grow so fast that in a couple of years, your 3" pot will look pretty much like Tommy's.