I'm about 50/50 in getting Onc. alliance plants to rebloom. I have 7 now. Ocdm. Wildcat 'Carmela' is in full bloom and glorious looking. Vuyl. Ensan Fantasy just sent up a spike, and has a new growth. Both of these plants were moved to S/H last spring.

I also got a surprise spike from Milt. NOID last spring. Non re-bloomers include Ocdm. Mayfair 'Golden Gate' (I've had this plant for more years than I care to remember.) Another Milt. NOID, and a Mtssa. Dark Star 'Darth Vader'. I'm beginning to think the answer for me and Onc.s is S/H.
As for Phals as beginner plants....not so much. They are easier and generally less expensive to buy so if you kill it you aren't out a lot of money. I do think getting the culture right on Phals is more difficult than with some of the other allliances. I think Paphs or Phrags are way easier to grow and bloom than Phals.