Originally Posted by neb
Thank you WhiteRabbit you have brought up a good point, and that is the media. All of my new plants are in volcanic rock and it is making a mess in my living room and kitchen. All of my others have been moved to either coconut husk fiber or chips should I move my new chids to this or what is another good mix for them?
I will make sure to keep the Mitonia. and Mtssa. a little on the moist side.
Well my miltonias, miltassia (I have read that Mtssa likes to dry out
a bit between watering- so I water Miltonia more frequently than Mtssa) have so far seemed happy in chc, perlite, tree fern fiber, bit of sphag, bit of broken up styro pnuts. Wilsonara just potted into this mix recently - too soon to say for sure how it likes it
For myself I always go heavy with perlite, tree fern, pumice. And have found when re-potting, the plants that had a bit of styro usually seem to have the best roots. Also I am a big fan of using pumice and styro in bottom of pot for drainage.
Mostly I would stay away from any super fine bark - the kind that seems to be more dust than 'chips'
As always - moist but not soggy lol
Probably whatever you have your phals in is fine - I just use more sphag in my phals than in the miltonias, miltassia which just have a small amount. That being said - I am still working out what works best for me to have phals in
I'm sure you will do great with these - I have found most to be quite easy to grow - tho as with all plants sometimes takes some 'adjusting' to get the plant really happy
(well, still trying to get the miltonias just right but seem to be on the right track now)
post pix when you can!?