Thanks to all for the kind words
This is the second time this plant has bloomed for me, after having gone through a hard time, when I thought I would have lost it.
They were 5 Tolumnia "Variegata" Hybrid NOIDs I received two years ago. They were all potted in Sphagnum. First I over watered them (did not know how to deal with this genus) and they started to loose their leave. I decided then to mount them all, but for one it was too late. The other four started to recover very quickly, and then last August I was away for the whole month, and my friend, who was taken care of my plants) forgot to water the Tolumnias the whole month. I lost a second one.
So, now I have 3 plants: the yellow and marroon shown here; another one which is currently in spike (do not know which colour) and a third one, which is recovering from all the stress in August.
I will post pics of the other soon..