I have an inherited plant - a brassia that's now spiking. When I got these - a roth, a blc, a phal, and this brassia - I didn't have the time to do the research on them, just put them in an east window next to my oncidiums and watered them weekly. Then, I noticed this one spiking - and it looked Very Different from my others that have bloomed before - so I finally (had to get strep throat in order to have the time to do research on these 'chids!) am looking to see what sort of care it needs. I know from reading past posts that there are a few of you who love brassias and grow them beautifully. Care to share any advice? This one has an incredibly long name: Brassia (Edvah Loo x Longissinca "Rock Lobster") x Datacosa "Coos Bay"
I only have two. One is Brassia Rex Christine and the other Noname! Mine is planted in tree fern w/redwood chips and I water and fertilize like oncidiums. I do hang mine outside in shade house for the summer, then in for the winter. Mine bloomed last month. Fairly large flower that look like a spider or daddy long legs. Lt. yellow with dark spots. This years spike had 12 flowers.
Good luck with yours. Here's a picture of mine:
Last edited by Don Perusse; 10-22-2008 at 10:00 PM..
Hi they like to be moist but not soggy since they have thin roots. I water mine about 3 times a week. since I grow all my orchids in a plant room in my house they are under lights and like it stronger them Phal but not as strong as Catts. I feed with worm tea every other watering. Since the tea is expensive I started my own worn farm which give me all the tea I need. Hope tht helps