This is my one and only Brassia. It had quite the summer! Not once, but twice my growing bench fell over and while this baby was in spike it was thrown to the ground! Once it was when I was out of town and my Mom called and told me and I just told her to confirm the spikes were Ok of it would ruin my trip! Anyway, this is the best it has ever been. 5 bloom spikes!
So, forgive me that the plant is falling out of it's pot. It got knocked around a lot and I didn't want to repot it until it finished blooming. It is done blooming now and has been happily repotted in a 8" pot! I didn't divide it.
SO, anyway enjoy. (by the way the black background was my attempt to be creative and I used three black dresses of simliar fabric , but that was still too small to capture this giant!)