Need some input regarding Brassia Rex
I have a recovering Brassia Rex that was originally purchased in bare root condition from HD. It grew rapidly and looked beautiful and then I moved to a different location. During my unpacking phase I placed the Brassia under the dappled sunlight of a Snow Bush...and unfortunately forgot about her. When it came time to prune the Snow Bush I rediscovered the orchid and she had 12 beautiful bloom spikes. After blooming I made an effort to repot her and was horrified to find no viable roots left. The plant actually fell apart into sections of shriveled pseudobulbs.
She's been "Big Time" pouting the last 2 years (Can you blame her?) but now seems to be adjusting and putting forth new growth. A few days ago I noticed something growing from the tops of 3 old and shriveled pseudobulbs. I'm not sure what the growths will turn in to. Is it possible she's trying to produce new leaves? I've included a photo as pictures are better than words.
Last edited by Junebug; 08-15-2011 at 11:38 PM..