Belleara Peggy Ruth Carpenter
Sorry to toot my horn, but I was suprised to come home from work (2 weeks on the oil field) and find bloom spikes. I will try to post pictures later.
I am suprised because I felt I did some things wrong and still will be rewarded with blooms. I bought the plant at a grocery store and it wouldn't stop blooming. When it finally stopped, I divided it by cutting the rhyzomes and waiting a month before dividing and repotting.
What I felt I did wrong was I over-divided it. I ended up with 4 divisions of one old p-bulb and one new growth. I got greedy and tried to get 4 new plants. I put 3 in S/H and one in bark.
They didn't do much and I felt I had compromised the plant by hacking it up too much. I figured I had traded off future blooms to have more plants.
Anyhow, last time home 2 out of the 4 had flower spikes! Holy mackerel...are these plants really that hardy??
They still don't have much in the way of new roots and I thought they were a long ways from blooming.
Anyone else have similar experience with this hybrid and what do you folks recommend as far as potting media? It came in lava rock and was pretty pot bound.
Last edited by Hozer; 05-26-2008 at 08:18 PM..