So let me just say this has been going on for a few months, a slow decline and I'm not really sure where to go with this orchid or if I should bin it and try again later.
It started with the newest pseudobulb turning brown at the bottom, it continued to brown but stayed firm it had a new growth growing and the roots were healthy it progressed to being a little mushy so I decided to cut away the bulb leaving it with two bulbs.
Now the second bulb is starting to brown from the top down and it also had started a new growth. If I have to cut this one off I'm going to be left with just one bulb and that doesn't give me much hope.
I'll attach photos, and he's a video I took earlier today
Youtube short of this pitiful thing
Also here's the first post I made about it on reddit
Reddit post w/pictures in the beginning
I've only had it a few months. I did move it from under the grow lights but then the second bulb began to brown so I'm not sure it's the grow lights.
I'm hoping someone here with more experience than me can offer more insight. I doubt it can be saved but I'm willing to try.