Brandank, this is a wonderful plant to have and will keep sending out flowers on the same spike for years o come. During the winter to keep it reblooming don't let the nightime temps go below 60F. Also if/when you repot this plant, be as gentile with the roots as possible. They completely detest having their roots messed with and will sulk & droop for months after repotting if not gentile. I repotted mine without even losing its current flower.
Charmbutterfly, there is much debate on the best lighting for Psychopsis. I know many growers that grow them in Phal level lighting and the leaves are solid green. I have Psy Kalihi and I grow it at MUCH higher lighting than a phal can take and that's when it get it's suntan(the red blotches). Mine produced 4 new growths last year and this spring rewarded me with 2 new spikes. Intern, I would personally say to give them more light to produce a healthier plant!
Last edited by Orchidaholic; 04-27-2008 at 02:00 AM..