Miltoniopsis is, essentially, greek for Miltonia-like. The thing is, Miltonia was described first, and when the Miltoniopsis species were described, they were described as miltonia based on certain floral similarities. Later examination warranted elevation to generic status of the pansy-flowered Miltoniopsis based on various morphological and genetic differences. The easiest way to tell them apart is that miltoniopsis hae a decidedly blue-green colour to the foliage, and Miltonias tend to have a yellowish or bronzy green colour, as well as a more oncidium-like growth habit (in the case of M. regnellii and flava etc.) or a rangy, decidedly rhizomatous growth habit (M. spectabilis). Also, the flowers of true Miltonias are generally much starrier than those of Miltoniopsis. Miltoniopsis look, in all respects (foliar, floral, etc.) *softer* to me.