I was lucky enough to find a nice size sample of this guy as a bag baby and grabbed it right up. I was going to mount it as that is what i do with oncidiums but the real cool thing about this plant is the pbulbs....does anyone have any tips or personal experience with these plants ( or any weird notes i should know about as they are quite different in appearance from any other Oncy
Mounted is the way to go, in my opinion. Keep it quite warm, very humid and water it daily. The one I sold before relocating had pseudobulbs about 3”-3.5” across.
Ooooooh! Excellent find ya lucky dog! It will love your yard. Mount it up and enjoy. They remind me of psychopsis with those cute little pbulbs, si? They like the warm side of intermediate, and bright light; potential to get a really good-sized plant going on, so mount accordingly or basket it.
You're really making me want one again.
__________________ Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.
This is a weird one. The nom du jour has it classified as Rossioglossum. Flower doesn't look like one at all to my uneducated eye
(thinking of things like Ros. Rawdon Jester and parents thereof) - clearly it's one that gave the taxonomists sleepless nights figuring out what it is related to,
The new growth on it looks just like my Rawdon Jester does when putting out new pbulb. Similar to new growth on psycopsis as well, only larger of course. Definitely something of both in growth pattern. Give them taxonomists hell you plants!
__________________ Caveat: Everything suggested is based on my environment and culture. Please adjust accordingly.