Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester 'HOF' potting mix
Okay, so those Rossioglossum Rawdon Jester 'HOF's from Hausermann were cheap, so I got two more. I now have three. I thought I could put them in different places and see which one does the best.
My question is what kind of potting material do these prefer? For most of my Oncidium types, I use fine Orchiata with a little fine scoria mixed in, however I notice that they plants from Hausermann came in a much coarser mix, like medium bark. What's the best consistency for potting these plants? Will they enjoy the fine mix I use for my other Oncidiums, or do they prefer a more open mix, such as what I use for my Cattleyas (medium orchiata, LECA, sponge rock, and stalite).
What do you think? What size mix should I plant these guys in? Should I add a little sphag to keep them moist? I can do that, or just water frequently. I'm actually more inclined to water more frequently. Sphag breaks down so fast.
What do you guys think about small socoria for this plant?
WaterWitchin, I think I'm going to put one of them in semi-hydro. You mentioned that I may want to to practice with a plant I'm not so invested in before I use it on a plant that I would be really sad if it died, but now that I have three, if I lost one, I still have two more, so it's not such a big deal.
What's the best potting mix for this plant? It's going to be growing inside most of the year at an east window where humidity ranges from 45-50 percent usually, although when we get freezing spells in Texas (not often) the humidity can drop as low as 20. I have one on my grow racks with artificial light, and like I said, I think I'll put the other in semi-hydro.