Hi all!
First off I hope you're all keeping well in these strange times.
Last autumn I went to my local orchid nursery and seem to have bought myself a mystery. It's a young plant, before flowering stage, and was labelled as Odontoglossum "Wildfire". The lady at the till said it was an Oncidium, which I didn't think much of as it's all Oncidium alliance anyway and I thought that may have been changed to another genus recently.
I looked it up at home and can't find a cultivar called "Wildfire" for either Oncidium or Odontoglossum. The RHS International Orchid Register lists an Oncidium "Gay Wildfire", but that was registered in the early '90s and doesn't seem to be available anymore. There is also a listing for an Oncostele / Wilsonara Warm Memories "Wildfire". If I just google Odontoglossum "Wildfire" as per the label, there are old listings on eBay but absolutely no information about it.
As for the plant itself, it is growing well but since it's a bit young to flower yet I have no useful photos. It's got nice firm pseudobulbs and healthy leaves. As far as I can tell it seems to be quite a vigorous plant as it's put on a good bit of new growth since I bought it in October.
I don't mind if it stays a NoID, but was wondering if maybe one of you came across an Odontoglossum or Oncidium of that cultivar name in recent years?
Thank you