Platycerium reginae wilhelminne--looks bad, pale and some spots on leaves
Hi there, I impulse purchased this staghorn even though it looks pretty bad. There is a one year garauntee on the plant so I figured it was worth trying to save it. The nursery had it outdoors under filtered light with their Tillandsias. We have had a few light frosts the past few weeks and night temps in the low 40's and upper 30's for a month or two. We have also had an unusually large amount of rain as well, (the mount feels only slightly moist right now though). My old bifurcatums and supurbums don't to mind it....but not sure this little plant likes it too much. Anyhow, I am going to attempt to attach a picture, but it seems a really pale sickly yellow with some unusual reddish pigment around the veins and one of the new fronds has two circular spots with a pale center and brownish edging. Not sure if this is infectious or culture. I've brought it inside to see if getting it out of the cold would help, but beyond that not sure what to do. Any help would be appreciated!