Propagation is not my strong area. Help needed please.
Have got a nice lot of Platycerium superbum spore to germinate over the last 12 months. With still more very small plants to come.
Unsure how to harden them off and at what size from being locked up like as in a flask?
We are going into winter here so was thinking it better to wait till spring before planting them out?
Thinking by using a timer
misting system to help the small plants to harden off next spring?
Have been hunting down Platycerium spore over the growing season and have 8 different in reasonable amounts. 6 of them can only be reproduce naturally by spore.
Going to make a propagation house under shelving in my tillandsia bush house. Going to use solid shade cloth surrounds with heating mats, timer
misting system and try to get the spore to germinate over our winter here. Lowest temp 7c or 45f. Just really trying to speed up the germination time of over 12 months. Do you think this general idea will work out?

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