Hello All,
I've been volunteering in a local greenhouse (at the VA), and have been trying to figure out what some of the unlabeled plants are. This one has been a bare caudex sitting, mostly unwatered, in a neglected corner all winter. I thought it looked a lot like a desert rose, but how can you tell just from a caudex? Well, it finally leafed out, and I think I've ID'd it as Adenia glauca. It has a viney stem and deeply lobed (palmate?) leaves.
Now I need some care advice. The leaves are all chlorotic--yellow leaf tissue between green veins, and I'd like to correct that of course. Is it OK to fertilize aggressively, now that there are leaves and active growth? I'm thinking an all-purpose complete fertilizer for acid-loving plants. I'm inclined to Jack's Petunia Feed, as it is formulated with micronutrients and iron, in case that is the problem.
Next question is about repotting. Should it be repotted when it is dormant or actively growing or somewhere in between? Also, how do I make a succulent mix that is more acidic but still fast draining?
I'd greatly appreciate any advice you expert growers out there could give me. I'm not finding a lot of information online about this plant, and I always find it helpful to get some tips from real people I trust--like Orchid Board people.