katrina |
08-11-2019 08:08 AM |
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Originally Posted by Subrosa
(Post 900204)
The nice thing about Stapeliads is that most are fine sitting on or hanging above a sunny windowsill during the winter, provided they don't get too cold, and stay dry. I tried Plumeria, but those suckers get big, taking up as much space as a fig tree! And figs taste better, so until that giant, magically heated greenhouse appears in my yard, figs it is!
Yea, the stapeliads are fine w/bright light from a window but I have mine under the T5s and I get phenomenal blooming w/the extra light so I'm hesitant to make any changes in that area. As an example...below is Piaranthus decorus ssp cornutus from last Sept (for size reference, that is a 6" shallow pot) and it grew even more over the winter.
As for the plumeria...I'm up to 8 varieties now...all of which are still young and small. I'm sure I will eventually have to eliminate some. In the winter they go dormant so don't need as much light and hopefully I can keep several happy sitting w/our giant Yucca houseplant. If not...well, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it but I like the plumeria flowers better than figs so the plumerias would win out over figs.
Of course if my Fairy Godmother would bring me that big g/h and free winter heating...I wouldn't have to worry about getting rid of anything. Where is that woman?! :biggrin:
BTW - I recently divided this Piaranthus...a friend wanted a piece and it was getting too large. I gave him a large chunk, kept a large chunk for myself and i potted up some of the pieces that separated themselves during the process. Those pieces are in a 4" pot and are looking really good and by next spring they will have established and rooted strong so...planting a seed here...perhaps we can do a trade of divisions. Maybe. :biggrin: