My 3 year old daughter planted this sunflower. My husband said it grew 3 inches in one day! It looks like its bud is going to open up any day now. We are both hoping it opens up Easter morning. Keeping our fingers crossed.
That's cool! It's a change from the usual tulips and daffodils we all have for Easter. We grow some at work to raise bugs, and when they are at that stage of blooming, count another 2-3 days for a fully opened flower.
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....
She planted the seed on New Year's Day if anyone wants to try it for next Easter.
There are 2 sunflowers in the pot. One is just starting to form a bud. Unfortunately, these plants are dwarfed due to indoor growing conditions.
These plants were grown in an unshaded southern window. This is a mammoth sunflower, and I was expecting it to be at least 6 feet high before it formed a flower.