Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts
forgive my ignorance but how do you divide a ping?
Nothing to forgive, and you sure the heck are not ignorant! Years ago I had to testify in court, along with another very talented specialist (supposedly as expert witnesses) regarding a major water pollution violation.
As I was questioned, I responded truthfully and did not go beyond the facts. The defense lawyer ripped me a new one per se (really putting me on the defense) until I asked a question, and stated: "the reason I asked my question is because I did not know and would like to know/learn. He dismissed me and called the other expert witness to the stand.
The defense lawyer introduced the other witness as an "expert witness". This particular witness stopped the lawyer "dead" in his tracks by saying: "There is no such thing as an expert. An expert knows how to perform sex a hundred different ways, but guess what? He has no one to perform it with! I am not an expert, I am a specialist. An expert realizes there is something new to learn everyday about their specialty. And again, guess what? I definitely have someone to perform with."
Bottom line: the lesson I learned ~ only the smart ones ask questions. It also provides answers to people like me that don't often ask questions, or are afraid to ask questions.
I usually let mine clump togeter until they really start hanging over the pot (overcrowded). At this point I will gently use a teaspoon under the roots of the clump to pull the cluster free. Then I *gently* twist and pull the offsets from the clump. I will usually lose a few leaves in the process, but it's no biggie. Also some of the removed offsets might (or might not) have roots. Again, no biggie, roots and leaves will grow in short time. After being removed, I repot the individual plants. A couple of weeks and they have a good toe-hold and are strong. Photo below shows a cluster with 4 new offsets attached to the mother. Did not divide this one until leaves were hanging off about 1.5" of the pot diameter.
Originally Posted by Dorchid
Do you feed the pings?
Occasionally with a *weak* orchid or tillandsia fertilizer, outside of the stray fungus gnats they capture on their own.