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Dorchid 08-17-2020 11:45 AM

4 Attachment(s)
WW - Sounds like she needs a tropical sundew. Drosera capensis would be perfect for what you’re describing as long as decent rh can be maintained which the water tray should help with. DI/RO/Rain water required.

D. capensis:

Attachment 146981

Leaf cuttings with buds:

Attachment 146982Attachment 146983Attachment 146984

WaterWitchin 08-17-2020 11:59 AM

Could she grow this in an open glass bowl? That would help with humidity. And water on bottom of bowl all the time?

Yes, pure water. One of my many mistakes...

Dorchid 08-17-2020 12:08 PM

It’s worth a try...they’re not too spendy on eBay...$12-$20 with shipping. I’d send you one if I had more but just starting out with them. Looks like most recommend rh of at least 50%. A high sided bowl might do better than a dish.

...and actually, I could send you some seed in a month or so as mine is currently flowering. Capensis readily self-pollinate.

WaterWitchin 08-17-2020 12:11 PM

And in a north window? It appears they need more light?

Dorchid 08-17-2020 12:17 PM

...that would just be for a fun project as they take a sec to grow up...

---------- Post added at 10:16 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------

Lots of light, peat/perlite/sand soil. This site has some good info: Germinating and Growing Sundews from seed and putting Drosera seeds through Cold Stratification

---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

Lots of light, peat/perlite/sand soil. This site has some good info: Germinating and Growing Sundews from seed and putting Drosera seeds through Cold Stratification

Dorchid 08-23-2020 01:22 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Sundew plantlet starting to mature from leaf cutting. Seems to be moving pretty quickly, now. Should get 2 plants from this cutting.

Attachment 147132

WaterWitchin 08-23-2020 04:25 PM

Cool! I'm definitely getting one when I can. Best for me to start with a little plant, instead of a seed, etc. Learning curve....

My SIL gave me a tiny little start of a Crassula falcata for mother's day. Started it off a leaf. Now I have a baby one, and about five more little starts. I get nervous just watching them.

DirtyCoconuts 08-24-2020 08:53 AM

for gnat control i made a ping garden in the small corner of the kitchen by the produce area-

they need light...especially to get sticky..i have two sundew in there as well.

i would recommend they get a light

btw we used to have a fly problem...like always ten or more little gnats around the fruit and now i never see one.....the pings are bad a$$

WaterWitchin 08-24-2020 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by DirtyCoconuts (Post 934128)
for gnat control i made a ping garden in the small corner of the kitchen by the produce area-

they need light...especially to get sticky..i have two sundew in there as well.

i would recommend they get a light

btw we used to have a fly problem...like always ten or more little gnats around the fruit and now i never see one.....the pings are bad a$$

Window with north light won't be enough, will it?

DirtyCoconuts 08-24-2020 10:15 AM

i would think no

i am not sure bc the dogs have removed the idea of window growing in my home and i knew the little corner i had was dark.

Dorchid 08-31-2020 03:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ping leaf pulling starting to produce plantlets. I was only expecting one plant but looks like a few are coming in. Can’t remember when I started this one but think it was only about 3 weeks ago, tops. Just pulled another leaf today.

Attachment 147319

DirtyCoconuts 09-09-2020 01:44 AM

My leaf pulling fried in the sun...I M guessing that is too much light.

That is where the second bog is...first one was taken over by the sarracenia so stickies go in #dos

Can pings not handle full sun or just not the clippings?

Dorchid 09-09-2020 11:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Yeah, my guess would be it just cooked in the sun. I’ve only seen them propagated indoors...usually in a zip lock bag or on sphag in a container to maintain humidity...as such, I’m guessing the closer to 100% rh, the better. Here’s a progress pic of my first pulling. 3 plantlets developing.

Attachment 147487

Dorchid 10-14-2020 12:00 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Update on sundew and butterwort leaf cuttings/pullings. Looking good, one sundew has really taken off!

Attachment 148203Attachment 148204

Also, as DirtyCoconuts has posted the larges flower spike on the board, I figure I’d post the smallest. This looks to be some type of moss flower in the sundew pot.

Attachment 148205Attachment 148206Attachment 148207

For a forum dedicated to flowers it’s a shame the site can’t upload photos with more clarity. 😢

DirtyCoconuts 10-14-2020 02:42 PM

Those moss flowers are awesome. I noticed spikes in the moss mask thought no way?! And then I saw one with the flower. I could not get a pic. Too small and my phone was being a priss. Nice work!

Dorchid 11-21-2020 04:08 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Just potted up the butterwort plantlets from the leaf pullings. Hopefully they’ll take off.
Attachment 148921Attachment 148922

WaterWitchin 11-22-2020 08:07 AM

How fun! After watching you and Coconut growing them, I finally decided to try again. Sort of. My daughter hates fruit flies, and I'm gifting her little carnivorous plants with a light set up for Christmas. I potted them up, and if I can keep them alive for the next month will probably try a couple of my own. :biggrin:

I'd been doing several things wrong in past (using potting soil with fertilizer, using tap water, etc.) Surely if I grow orchids, I can get this rolling now.

Dorchid 11-22-2020 11:08 AM

Awesome! Yeah, you’ll get them growing just fine. I can send you some sundew seeds if you like...just harvested a bunch. Haven’t tried germinating them yet but the parent species readily self pollinate and produce viable seed.

Dorchid 01-17-2021 07:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Need to repot the large sundews but the butterwort are all looking pretty good.

Attachment 150031

WaterWitchin 01-17-2021 09:07 PM

Excellent Dorchid! I still have seen no growth from my seeds, but still hopeful!

Dorchid 01-17-2021 09:33 PM

When did you sow? I can’t remember what you’re using for sub...was it straight sphag? Should work fine. They can take up to a month or longer but these should pop in a couple/three weeks or so. The seed is good as all the capensis sprouting in the top left pot in the above pic were volunteer from a flower spike I didn’t harvest. Fingers crossed and let me know if you need more seed!

WaterWitchin 01-18-2021 09:08 AM

Yes, straight sphagnum, kept in tray method with RO water. Ummm... it was first week in December when I planted them. Well, sprinkled them. Nothing so far. I even got my little magnifying glass out to look, but the sphag is developing some pretty green coloring. :D

---------- Post added at 08:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 AM ----------

PS Maybe I should cover the top with a clear glass or saran wrap?

Dorchid 01-18-2021 11:23 AM

Hmmm. They like a lot of rh, so covering the top could definitely help. You might track down some peat and give it a try as well.

Dorchid 04-04-2021 12:57 PM

Did you ever see any growth, WW?

WaterWitchin 04-06-2021 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Dorchid (Post 954725)
Did you ever see any growth, WW?

Yes! Along with a funny story. So I started this venture to give my daughter a fun Christmas gift. I'd already purchased two sundews and a Venus flytrap for her, a grow light, and three cute little pots.

Then I read that the Venus flytrap goes dormant in winter. My daughter is most talented, but not at growing plants. So I kept back the Venus flytrap (because I know my plant stuff, right?) :rofl: and was going to babysit it through dormancy for her. I moved some stuff around, and put some of the sphag I'd planted your seeds in into the third pot.

Fast forward... she's got baby sundews coming up all over the pot that I'd seeded, plus her two other sundews were starting to flower. Can't find a picture of the babies, but I'll have her send me a new one and post it here.

Meanwhile, I keep waiting for the Venus flytrap to break dormancy. Then she sends me this picture...


And says Mom! It looks like there's a Venus flytrap growing up under my sundew! Whoops!! Silly me got the pots confused and planted one of the sundews over the top of the dormant flytrap. And I was carefully taking care of a pot of nothing but sphag. :rofl::rofl:

Yes, my venture into carnivorous plants has been quite entertaining so far. :biggrin:

Dorchid 04-06-2021 07:48 PM

Awesome! And how cool...that’s a great looking pot and plants!

Dorchid 05-31-2021 08:34 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Some butterworts and sundews all grown from leaf pullings and cuttings except the 2 spatulata up fron which were seed grown.

Attachment 152542Attachment 152543

Edit: Actually, all the sundews up front are seed grown. :)

Dorchid 06-22-2021 06:53 PM

3 Attachment(s)
Trying a couple pings on pumice. The babies were offsets hiding under the large one when I unpotted it. The rock is harvested by a couple kids in Washington.

Attachment 152951Attachment 152952Attachment 152953

WaterWitchin 06-23-2021 10:56 AM

Fun! I have a small bromeliad ES gave me a ways back. I plunked it down into a piece of coral I had a small mount sitting on. Just looked at it yesterday, and it's rooted to the coral now and sending up a pup. I'll try to remember taking a pic.

Dorchid 07-11-2021 05:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)
My largest butterwort, moranensis j is starting to flower!
Attachment 153331Attachment 153332

Dorchid 07-16-2021 12:54 PM

3 Attachment(s)
About 6 days from noticing the bud to open…still has a bit to go. Beautiful hot pink with some variegation and dark pink/purple blotches in the throat. About the size of a nickel.
Attachment 153437Attachment 153438Attachment 153439

wisdomseeker 07-16-2021 02:13 PM

P. moranensis has always been one of my favorite butterworts. They produce simple flowers that are colorful and elegant.

The entire shape, and form, of this plant is very appealing to me (especially when mature and the leaves also start taking on different color hues with shades of pink and red).

Nice job indeed! Have also appreciated the way you have shown the plant transforming from a fledgling, into a full- flight adult.

WaterWitchin 07-16-2021 04:46 PM

Indeed wisdomseeker! What inspiration! Dorchid… is this one I could grow? Does it have an off/dormant season like a VFT, or it just grows? It’s wonderful!! :bowing:

Dorchid 07-16-2021 05:11 PM

Thanks, wisdomseeker! I agree 100%. I never had a real interest in butterworts but they are now my favorite for all the reasons you stated. Love them!

@ WW - You can definitely grow them! This is a Mexican butterwort so it has a winter rest but not true dormancy. These plants are heterophyllous in that they have sticky carnivorous leaves in the summer and small non-carnivorous, succulent-like leaves in the winter. They should get less water in the winter and kept moist in the summer. They are easily propagated via leaf pulling from either leaf type. They grow on limestone in the wild and prefer a mineral based and basic substrate. I’ve been using peat, pumice and perlite with a dash of oyster shell. They’re kind of pricey online….I’ll send you one once my current round of leaf pullings get going! If you don’t want to wait, check ebay…usually a variety available.

WaterWitchin 07-17-2021 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Dorchid (Post 962762)
Thanks, wisdomseeker! I agree 100%. I never had a real interest in butterworts but they are now my favorite for all the reasons you stated. Love them!

@ WW - You can definitely grow them! This is a Mexican butterwort so it has a winter rest but not true dormancy. These plants are heterophyllous in that they have sticky carnivorous leaves in the summer and small non-carnivorous, succulent-like leaves in the winter. They should get less water in the winter and kept moist in the summer. They are easily propagated via leaf pulling from either leaf type. They grow on limestone in the wild and prefer a mineral based and basic substrate. I’ve been using peat, pumice and perlite with a dash of oyster shell. They’re kind of pricey online….I’ll send you one once my current round of leaf pullings get going! If you don’t want to wait, check ebay…usually a variety available.

I would LOVE to just wait! So I could use the same mix I used for the sarracenia? Peat, perlite, and some sphag thrown in? I have oyster shell for the chickens and could incorporate as well. Or I have a cool little rock that looks like pumice. I could try that as well. I'll find the rock and take a picture!

Dorchid 07-17-2021 12:03 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Actually, I have a nice one which could reach flowering size next year to send. In retrospect, it would be a long wait on pullings :rofl: I’ll shoot you a pm. I’d leave out sphag and use sand instead. There’s a lot of different combinations used and one just kinda has to play with the mix to see what works best for them. They do prefer ro/distilled water and tend to do well in the tray method (sitting in a bit of water). Test your rock by sitting it in a tray of water…if it wicks all the way up, it’s good…that way you don’t have to water the rock, just refill the tray or saucer. Here’s my pumice after a month. The pings all look good with the offsets looking like they will do just fine. Amazing how much dormant moss was on this thing. Really cool just with the moss alone! If anyone is looking for good pumice, tweshure_hunter on eBay has a bunch of great specimens for sale.

Attachment 153466Attachment 153467

WaterWitchin 07-17-2021 04:38 PM

Oh MY! Imma go find my rock and start soaking it RIGHT NOW! How stinkin' exciting is this?!?

Dorchid 07-18-2021 11:47 AM

Did the rock wick? I’ll try to get it mailed this week.

WaterWitchin 07-18-2021 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Dorchid (Post 962926)
Did the rock wick? I’ll try to get it mailed this week.

Appears to be. It's about halfway up rock since last night. Does it look okay?



And how do I attach the plant? Just stick it on top of the rock and it starts creepy crawling its roots in? Should I go out and find some moss to put with it?

---------- Post added at 10:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

PS I'm not positive it's pumice, but it sure looks like it. I have a pretty severe addiction to picking up rocks and bringing them home. :rofl:

Dorchid 07-18-2021 08:26 PM

Very cool rock! As long as it wicks it should be good! Yeah, you just kind of find a nook to set the plant in. If there’s a hole, you can kind of bunch the roots together and try to get them down in there. Left undisturbed, it will eventually secure itself. You can also put a bit of carnivorous soil mix in the pocket around the roots to help hold it in place.

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