Hi folks,
I received an update email for this thread.
So, I came by to see what was happening.
I am so caught up in what is going on around here that I forget there is a whole other world out there.
Trying to get the county to get out of my life has been an all consuming endeavor ever since the eruption began.
Check here:
VIDEO: Puna Residents Impacted By Eruption Deliver Emotional Testimony
At about 0:52 min into the video Gail and I give our testimony.
I had written out a long diatribe against the county and it's action in this event.
Then, I lost it all after the video link.
I'm not going to go through and do it again.
Just suffice it to say that we, those affected by the eruption, are under attack by the county and its intent for it to profit from this, even if at our expense.
I am not a happy camper.
The eruption is the least of our worries.
If you are really interested in what is actually going on, this site can be very informative.
And maybe somewhat misinforming too.
Just keep in mind that the Puna District is kind of the Southern Appalachians of the Pacific.
I am 1voyager1 on this board.