Hi all,
I know it is spring because once again I disappeared from Orchid Board. Too busy chasing birds.
The first true sign of spring for me is my garden. Lots of Hyacinths and Daffodils. They popped out mid March, got snowed on 3 times at least. They didn't care. They are still out.
The first birdy sign of spring for me is the arrival of the Eastern Phoebe. It is known to be the first neo-tropical migrant to arrive here in NYC. That's when the race begins (for me). Very slowly and then it really gets energetic from late April to mid May.
I was away in Ithaca NY for the first week of April, but even so, just in the last week, I have managed almost 90 species of birds in just 5 days. Other migrants include Towhee's, Swallows, and Warblers like the Pine, Palm, Yellow-rumped and Lousiana Waterthrush. Spent this morning trying to get a good pic of the Louie, but failed.
I'm attaching a list of the birds I have seen this year, with only the new additions for the year since March. When I start adding birds at this rate, it is either January or Spring has sprung.
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti