Originally Posted by No-Pro-mwa
I've had a couple of junco's in the last few days. I think they are so cute. We also have robins and I have been trying to figure out what to feed the poor things. They do eat the Russian olive's and I bit the bullet and bought meal worms. I'm not ever sure they are eating them and the things cost me an arm and leg.
It will be a while before we have tulips and such.
We have a few juncos that stay here year round... they're almost a bluish color once spring commences. The others must head back to Canada. Who knew?
We have robins that came about a week ago. Now there's two inches of sleet/snow melting. I have a place set up for bluebirds and early robins. I peel an apple and put slices out for the robins, and also raisins. Robins like fruit and berries when worms are under ice/frozen.
You might check in your feed store in the chicken feed section. Freeze dried mealyworms are about 1/4 the price of what they are when in a bird food section. At least that's how it is here.
---------- Post added at 10:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:42 AM ----------
PS Here, crocus have already bloomed, daffodils in full splendor (under the snow/ice now), and the Lenten roses are in full splendor. My poor lotus and foxtail lilies are covered with straw, and straw is blowing all over the place.