Originally Posted by My Green Pets
The displays and plants are omg omg omg!! Thank you for raising the bar!
How do you keep the glass so clean with water constantly being sprayed in there (right?)
I have a little unknown Tillandsia, it seems to be growing ok, i wonder when it will bloom...
Sorry about the delayed response, just noticed your post. So on that note ~ thank you, I appreciate your compliment!
I grow indoors under artificial light, and use different types of "containers" (terrariums of sorts) to house my Tillies. They are mainly used for light fixture support and because of space constraints. My so-called
Tillandsia terrariums are constructed of wood, and others are constructed with acrylic.
I do not mist or spray my Tillies. They are all mounted to be easily removed and re-positioned. Watering is done by soaking once a week outside of the enclosures (this is the watering method that works out best for both me and the plants). Maintenance tasks are almost 'nil', and soaking the plants is fairly painless. Helps with keeping the enjoyment factor on my end.
Blooming time is a mystery, especially when growing with consistent 'year round' growing parameters. I have learned they usually start blooming when mature (and happy). Many times, when I have given up hope for a bloom they surprise me and flower, and when I least expect it. I have a few species I've been growing out for 12 plus years that have not flowered to date. But (like orchids), patience is usually your friend.