Originally Posted by estación seca
I think that would work. A lot of cactus growers use anthill excavations for top dressing, by the way.
Fire ants? I thought they couldn't take cold winters? That's what's kept them out of Arizona so far. The north and east of our state get cold in the winter.
Well I thought that's what they are called. They can hurt like hell! They are red and we have allot of them. I have tried to kill them and have gone all over my 30 acres and put diazinon on every hill. It will kill them for awhile but they always come back. I even went across the fence into the neighbors pastier and did the ones close to me. The stinkers still came back. So now I just do it every so often the closer ones to the house.
And I'm told they don't bit but pee on you. Had it happen once while working sheep at the ranch with my mother. Good thing my uncle wasn't there because I pulled my pants down so fast it would make your head spin. Boy did that hurt, he'd gotten fairly high up