Is anyone out there grown orchids successfully when the temperature is in Winter suddenly go from a normal 32 maybe 25 degrees, to 17 below 0? Due to global warming of course, Southern Vermont now is in a deep deep freeze. This is expected to last for 12 to 14 days and maybe longer. In my 35 years of being in my home here this has not happened. I've been growing orchids for seven years. And wasn't really passionately into it until the last year-and-a-half.New homes might be fine but for my home which is over 70 years old and built by someone who had no idea how to build a house, it is frigid and dry and I have 26 phalaenopsis orchids in Spike. Has anyone ever been able to manage something like this, and bring there plants to fruition? Heat is not a problem but very expensive. I have a hot-air furnace. Humidity once again is. Can these orchids that I grow who has been accustomed to 45 to 55% humidity go down to 20 for an extended period of time.? If I was retired and it stay home I could keep the humidity up. But as I speak, I have three humidifiers and a pot on the stove with a fan blowing the air and I can't keep the humidity up in this large room past 37%. I guess what I'm asking is is there anyone from the Arctic or Alaska that grows phalaenopsis orchids successfully?
---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 PM ----------
I apologize for being so redundant. I guess I need to talk to someone from the deep Arctic who grows orchids who can't afford high-tech temp and humidity controls.