Soy in the wiring? Is that why our pet bunny was so interested in electrical cords?
Wild mice can do quite a bit of damage. It is important to eliminate them. They can even chew through the insulation of wiring in your home or the cords of appliances. They can chew plaster and wallboard. They can carry ticks and fleas. I do not like killing them but it is not wise to spare them.
As for the recommendation of a cat, this reminded me that one of our local stores is selling a product to melt the ice on car windows and the product contains anti-freeze. A worker at the store said the product is very popular. If you own a cat, please be careful and contain your kitty in your yard or home so that it cannot come into contact with this product. Antifreeze is not something you want your cat to ingest.
When we build our home in KY, we just parked outdoors. My wife's car started running roughly, and we discovered that mice had completely filled the air filter chamber with seed.
One summer, we were cruising the loop around Louisville, and cranked up the air conditioning, only to find that Momma mouse had a litter in the A/C ducts, as the little pinkies came crawling out of the dash vents to get away from the cold.
Some (automotive and otherwise) wiring contains soy, which rodents are attracted to, especially squirrels, which is why they ate our Christmas lights (and buried the bulbs in the flower bed).
Wow, gives a whole new meaning to planting some bulbs in the garden.
Wow, gives a whole new meaning to planting some bulbs in the garden.
---------- Post added at 01:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:31 PM ----------
So when I got home from work last night I set 4 traps under and around my car. I caught 3 mice. 3 down probably a hundred more to go. I didn't mention that I haven't rode an issue in my house. Or maybe I have. At any rate I had to put my cat to sleep that I had had since 1998. That was a year-and-a-half ago. I have not had a cat sense and I won't at this point. Two dogs and a lot of orchids in my house. Would not mixed with a kitty cat Mouser or not!
Maybe this link will give you more ideas. Hint from me: ultrasonic repellents. They do work and they are humane, so no animal defender would accuse you in violence (such stuff happened twice in my area)
And yeah, a cat is 50/50 solution here actually. Lazy furballs may just ignore the pests.