Unobtainable humidity
I've posted a few different times on this board about humidity issues in one way or another. And here I go again. The temperatures have dropped where I live in southern Vermont quite a bit below what is normal for December. What I have now is deep January February temps. It's 13 degrees here, and it was 9 last night. I cannot get the humidity in this large room with open hallways to even reach 40% humidity with three- yes 3 humidifiers going!. I have one whole house evaporative humidifier and 2 cool mist humidifiers, and over 19 of what I call regular house plants in the room as well and I cannot get the humidity over 40% with all of this. I am so frustrated. Every 3 days I fill up 13 gal with reverse osmosis water from the Walmart that's in New Hampshire, at $0.37 a gallon to fill these humidifiers. I am going through water like crazy and you would never know it by looking at the humidity gauges here. There is static electricity in my hair! . I have over 20 phalaenopsis orchids in Spike and several are in Bud in this room and My worry is that when the humidity is so dry for so long I will lose them well not the plants but flowers.Uggg!!!!