Bud blast in Hoyas?
This post is in regards to that little Hoya that I had posted pictures of that is in bloom. I have just realized two things seem to be going on. The first is that the side of the plant that is facing the window does not have blooms or those little stem things that mean there will be a flower there - can't think of what they're called. There is also a T5 light above the table in front of the window. I have this light on a timer , 13 hours a day. This is to supplement the light from the window. As it is an East window. If I recall last year the setup was exactly the same. So there's nothing different in the lighting. The second thing is is that those little flower to be stems(I know how stupid I sound!) Appear to be blasting for some reason. Out of all of the possible blooms I thought I was going to get, it looks like I'm only going to have 6! I don't know what's going on. I have a secret suspicion that I have hovered too much, maybe too much fertilizer, too much water, something like that. Any thoughts?