The worst betrayal!😉
You all may remember the commercial for a sleep meds with the cats and dogs and the tag line "sleep is illusive?" I should have starred in that. So, my beloved Nathan and I were snuggled on the sectional when I finally fell asleep. I was awakened by the pantry door opening and empty cat food containers being dragged about. Who knew he could open that door?! I can't count the times I have yelled at the Chief to close that door only to find out it wasn't him. However, when I went out to the sunroom to check the orchids, I found my thriving, amazing Rchy. Bangkok Sunset looked like it had been pinked with shears! Was it my beloved Nathan or naughty Jack? Did I leave Jack out for an hour when got home last night? We feed them, groom them, clean their boxes (and neuter them) and this is how we are repaid! I, Yi, Yi.
So, next week the nights are predicted to be in the low 40s. Everything has to come where? I'm posting a cartoon about our weather. Please, no crazy cat lady comments (you know who you are).🤕
Last edited by Dollythehun; 09-24-2017 at 02:20 PM..