Hi all. Nice to have another place to learn from when plants other than orchids are the topic. That said, I have a small hoya plant, ( I dont' know the exact name)-I bought it for my daughter ((she was killed a year ago in a car accident)) so this little gem is
extremely important to me. It's bloomed once for her, the first year she had it, and once again the following year after I brought it home to my house, from her place. Anyway, I know that Hoya's are epiphytes, and I have another one (Hoya Nervosa) that I've had for years. It, like my daughter's, was potted in regular potting soil. It's doing great, huge leaves, etc.. Recently I repotted this little one (
NOT a Hoya nervosa!) in a mix of bark, soil, and Orchiata-my thinking being that since it's an epiphyte, I can maybe make it happier if I give it more of the growing medium that epiphytes grow in. So, with all that info, my question is can I feed this gem the same food I use on my phals and other orchids? I use MSU granular food for well water. This plant is currently in a strong growing phase, but before I changed food, some of the leaves were getting a yellowish tinge-which is when I switched to the orchid food. Previously I was feeding it Dyna grow. Ok, I guess I have 2 questions. One, about the food, and two, was repotting it from soil to bark mix a good move? I'd love some advice here