Hello, my friends
Today I went for a walk with my son and daughter, around the countryside. There were lots of wild flowers and there's one I particularly like: Cistus ladanifer.
We call it "Esteva" (singular) or "Estevas" (plural).
I always liked it because of its scent, that brings to my mind memories of times in my youth.
Also because it always reminds me of summer, when the scent is more active.
These plants are shrubs that grow taller than a tall person
, and the whole plant is covered by a kind of a resin that it segregates. One thing one should never try is to try to cross a field of these plants.
In my country it grows everywhere, especially in the center and south. It covers the landscapes with white flowers and the air with its scent.
From wikipedia.
I wonder, where in the US, it grows in the wild?