Well, yesterday, I took a good close-up look at the place where my hostas are supposed to be and noticed five or so inch-long new shoots coming up from one of them. I'm hoping the second one won't be far behind.
Dolly, I had heard about the beer for slugs but have not tried it yet. My husband usually has a couple of them in the fridge, so I can probably convince him to drink one and leave a little in the bottle. (I hope bottles would work as well as cans?)
Selmo, that's a beautiful bed of hostas in the pic! That's what I'm envisioning for my backyard. I appreciate all the helpful information.
I don't know about bottles. Just pour it into a Coke can. We used to belong to a Hostas club and I have friends who hybridize them. But, I am full up...Here's a pretty one, Savannah, I think.