Mandy2705's plant is a Euphorbia. The 5-petal symmetry of any dogbane (Apocynaceae) is obvious from the tiniest bud visible. Plumerias have stout, upright inflorescences with multiple buds held in a flat, compound corymb facing the sky. Madagascar Euphorbias like this (ankarensis, leuconeura, viguierii) have cyathia enveloped by 2 bracts and one to few cyathia on a peduncle dangling down - like this one.
This Euphorbia also looks as though the upper leaf surface might be minutely furry. That is not seen on a Plumeria. That would be a diagnostic criterion, but I'm not familiar enough with all the Euphorbias like this to get a closer ID.
This is all important because such Euphorbias are even less tolerant of low temperatures, and being cool and wet, than are Plumerias. In a cold-winter climate like Colorado Springs, this plant will require warmer winter temperatures than a Plumeria. Maybe now that I'm keeping my sunroom at 60 F / 16C in the winter I can grow this kind of Euphorbia. They died at 40 F / 5C.
And it is less sun-tolerant than a Plumeria. I can grow Plumerias outside in full sun in Phoenix. These Euphorbias would be burned. They grow fine in bright shade.
Last edited by estación seca; 09-19-2016 at 02:04 PM..