I have a similar story. I have I think the same plant. It's been growing in my plant room rather well. Sometimes I think it suffers from lack of humidity, but oh well. It's got scale too. Hate those things.
One day I was shopping for snapdragons for a botany class (they were going to do a finger dissection of the flower). I took my friend with me because driving up and down city streets in Flushing Queens there is no guarantee of finding a parking spot. Infact, chances are I was not going to find a spot, and I was right. So I took my friend so she could get out of the car and buy the flowers for me. On our last stop, she made a deal with the florist for the flowers and then I spotted this plant hanging inside her store. When my friend came back to tell me the florist had the flowers we were looking for, I told her to go back and ask her how much she wanted for the pitcher plant. My friend is great at haggling and got the price down to $12. I was happy!
"We must not look at goblin men,
We must not buy their fruits:
Who knows upon what soil they fed
Their hungry thirsty roots?"
Goblin Market
by Christina Georgina Rossetti