Nepenthaceae alata--'Monkey Cups'
I've never had a big interest in carnivorous plants.
But sometimes you see something and you just want to add it to your collection.
I read one site that says it's a great plant to grow with/around orchids (super, double bonus, plus)!
I was out visiting a newly located, private orchid grower.
Lovely lady who insists I come back to visit and stroll threw her orchids anytime.
Well, she had this "plant" that caught my eye from a long distance. I've seen this plant before but only in pictures or online.
She made me a deal I couldn't refuse and I brought home my first H. alata, commonly called 'Monkey Cups'.
Spent some time online checking out it's needs and requirements.
Seems the light, temps, and humidity that I have around here meet this tropical plant's needs pretty well.
A pair of quick pics....