Somebody wrote
...The fact that you folks in NM and AZ grow orchids at all where you're at, is impressive. I'd be growing those silly subspecies of subspecies type miniature succulents or something... and probably get bored from the lack of involvement...
Here are a few silly succulents, taken just now.
Aloe divaricata is a slender-stemmed tree aloe from the central plateau of Madagascar. Surprisingly, it tolerates substantial overnight frost here, though it hasn't seen frost in habitat in millions of years.
Dyckia Pink Ice is a bromeliad. Brazilian Dyckia have orange to red flowers; North American Hechtias can look almost identical vegetatively, but have white flowers. Many Dyckias tolerate surprising amounts of frost. Most Hechtias tolerate quite heavy frost.
Mammillaria gesela is a cute, easy-to-grow miniature. Most Mamms are from México, with a few in the US and the circum-Caribbean countries.
Opuntia macrocentra is a common species in the southwest US and northern México.