Winter bulbs outside today
My climate is great for growing most winter-rainfall bulbs outdoors. Here is a grouping.
The annual with flower spikes is Linaria maroccana, also known as fairy snapdragon. It reseeds itself every winter, and flowers come in a full range of color, except blue and green.
Right now I only have some south African Oxalis flowering there. The photo shows one of the many color forms of Oxalis obtusa, growing in a container with the West Texas cactus Echinocereus dasyacanthus. These are winter-wet, summer-dormant Oxalis, growing from small corms. The flowers only open in full sun. I have a lot of other kinds in containers. In the spring they go dormant; I put the containers, bone-dry, into storage boxes, and keep them out of the rain until nights begin cooling the next fall.